let s move on. house majority whip james clyburn will be in the studio. the morning after the mid determine election, morning joe will broadcast in front of a live studio audience from historic studio 8h here at 30 rock. that s wednesday, november 3rd. you can get information for free tickets on our website. that s the saturday night live studio. wow! not supposed to say that, but, yeah, it is the saturday night live studio. call 212-664-3056. you can see the information at the bottom of the screen. that s a media happening as we say in the business. come for a special live event. 212-664-3056. [ advisor 1 ] what do you see yourself doing one week,
8h here at 30 rock. that s wednesday november 3rd. you find information on free tickets i m sorry. what did you ask? what was the question? that s where we re doing it, saturday night live ? is that the studio. chris, he asks these questions. i m a primitive cave man lawyer. i don t know the ways of your 30 rock if you want information on free tickets, go to joe.msnbc.com or you can call this phone number. the musical guest will be katie perry. 212-664-3056. we ll be right back. [ female announcer ] when you save an average of over $450 a year
stage, that would be fantastic. the morning after the midterm elections morning joe will broadcast in front of a live studio audience from historic studio 8h right here in our building at 30 rock. that s wednesday, november 3rd, join us as we bring together the very best political minds in the business to analyze, dissect and debate all the key elections. if you want to attend live, you can find information on our website, joe.msnbc.com or call 212-664-3056. you see the information on the screen. get up early. come join us. we ll have some free starbucks, maybe free beer. it s huge. 6:00 in the morning, november 3rd. i get it, saturday night live. [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn t good enough.
broadcast in front of a live studio audience from historic studio 8h here at 30 rock. that s saturday night live. on wednesday, november 3rd, join us as we bring together the best political minds in the business to analyze, dissect and debate all the key election results. if you want to attend the live show, you can find information on our website at joe.msnbc.com or call are you coming the morning after andrew? i m coming. do you have friends to come? do a road trip, come to new york city, historic city 8h. 212-664-3056. call that number you get time-tested truths. oh, dear, it all starts at 6:00 a.m. on wednesday, november 3rd. first we ll go to bill karins for a check on the forecast. we should do something like oprahesque, under the seat, maybe american freak show.
united flight of 664 on june 6th of 2006 from chicago o hare to grand rapids, my life changed. and as we pulled into the gate in grand rapids, the captain came over the p.a. and said we had an american hero on board that we were carrying the remains of corporal buckland and his twin brother, corporal brad buckland and brought him those 6,000 miles home from iraq and he went on to make another request that everybody stay in their seats to honour the sacrifice this young man had made until his remains had been removed and that night as an f-16 pilot, i saw the other side of war. the family on the darkest night of their lives welcoming their son home, their father, his 4-year-old son was on the tarmac. you were watching the 4-year-old son see his dad come home in a casket? yeah, absolutely. and, you know, at that moment in my life, i knew i had a mission. and there are 172,000 dependents that have had somebody killed or disabled just in iraq or