real estate agents, to get an idea of whether you should buy in this strange economy and some agents tell you, now is a great time to buy if you the capital you might be able to find a deal. this is a 4,000 square foot home, nearly 4,000 square feet, multiple fireplaces inside, a swimming pool in the back, kitchen island in there, and this home sold several years ago, 2006 for $985,000 and is on the market in a foreclosure situation for $649,000 and last week the owners got an offer of $475,000, and the bank would have to agree to this and it gives you an idea how much prices dropped on this home and, also for sale in the neighborhood, across the cul de sac a home in the 700s for sale and perspective there, the real estate agent says if you have the capital, now is a great time to leave the rental market and find a deal. we want that consumer to understand that in the long run, there is no doubt about it when you look at a rent accumulation