with any more photos contact s c sp as this investigation gets underway. that meeting with president trump and kim jong-un, the north korea dwran leaders want a peace treaty with the u.s. we ll talk about this more after the break. i m only in my 60 s. i ve got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn t pay all my medical expenses,
america. he just focused on the redemptive nature of the faith of jesus christ. about how we re all equally bad. we are all sinners but that we have the vicarious death of jesus on the cross to redeem us and to give us eternal life. and that message is the simple gospel, but nobody could communicate it like he did. i watched the netflix show the crown the other night. and even queen elizabeth took notice and talked about how he illuminated the scripture like nobody she had ever heard when he came to england back in the i don t know if it was 50 s or 60 s. she invited him over to buckingham palace. and that s the impact he had on everybody. he just he had a gift of communication that nobody else in the christian faith ever had and i think he used it. he was gone all the time. his wif raised the kids.
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