things like, well, there was that 5p cut in fuel duty. we know that the pensions go up with inflation as it was a time ago, not the current rate of inflation. there s the council tax rebate to help with the energy bills. does all of that make much of a difference to you? it doesn t make any difference at all. it s just nonsensical. i mean, why give that that s going to be swallowed up by everything else. how long is there, you know, £150 off your council tax going to last? it s not going to last very long. that s like one week s income for pensioners, most pensioners. and you know, it could continue on until october. so that is a pittance, and i really feel that the government and ministers do not understand what it s like to live on a fixed income, and have all this going up in price.
and all i have to do is put fuel in but the price of fuel, and it really annoys me, because the chance that i ve put it down 5p, but round here where i live, it s still the price it was before he put it down. they re quick to put the prices up, but very slow to bring them back down again. so, you re not seeing that 5p cut in fuel duty being reflected in the price that you pay at the pump? no, no, i m not. and i m really annoyed about that, because i need my car for hospital appointments, to get shopping, to go to doctors appointments. all these appointments i have to attend and, you know, i ve got to put fuel in my car to be able to get there. i mean, the cost isjust going through the roof. yvonne, isuppose, you know, when you look at what the chancellor announced within the last couple of weeks in the spring statement,