upgraded shares of Methode Electronics (NYSE:MEI – Get Rating) from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research note issued to investors on Friday morning. Separately, Robert W. Baird reduced their target price on Methode Electronics from $52.00 to $49.00 in a report on Monday, March 13th. Methode Electronics Stock Performance NYSE […]
Polaris Capital Management LLC lessened its stake in shares of Methode Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:MEI – Get Rating) by 83.7% during the 4th quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The firm owned 5,900 shares of the electronics maker’s stock after selling 30,300 shares during the quarter. Polaris Capital Management LLC’s holdings in Methode Electronics were worth $262,000 as of […] lowered shares of Methode Electronics (NYSE:MEI – Get Rating) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a report issued on Tuesday morning. Separately, Robert W. Baird cut their price target on Methode Electronics from $52.00 to $49.00 in a report on Monday, March 13th. Methode Electronics Trading Up 3.0 % Shares of […] cut shares of Methode Electronics (NYSE:MEI – Get Rating) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a report issued on Tuesday morning. Separately, Robert W. Baird cut their target price on Methode Electronics from $52.00 to $49.00 in a research report on Monday, March 13th. Methode Electronics Stock Performance NYSE:MEI opened at […]
Methode Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:MEI – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large growth in short interest in the month of April. As of April 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,310,000 shares, a growth of 12.0% from the March 31st total of 1,170,000 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 168,900 shares, […]