in annual fees. it was targeted to people with poor credit. can you imagine that? 59.9% interest, and then on top of that an annual $100. i m still stuck on the restaurant workers. we apologize to anyone going to a restaurant tonight. lisa sylvester, thank you very much. it s not clear if sarah palin is on the campaign trail, but she s definitely taking shots at the current occupant of the white house. what president obama is doing and what this administration is supporting is america being on a road to ruin. it s hard to say what road bahrain is on right now, but behind the scenes diplomats are plotting for the future. we ll speak with the special envoy to the u.s. who just left the state department
classified information was stolen. they wanted sensitive financial information. the government is now investigating. and the sun is acting up. the largest solar flare in four years jumped from the sun this week. it is sending masses of charred articles into space. this time those lights could extend as far south as washington, d.c. one in eight restaurant workers has come to work vomiting or with diarrhea at least twice in the last year. it s mostly because restaurants don t have paid sick leave. they are fought for paid sick leave. food safety is the top priority. and first premier bank is getting rid of the credit card with a whopping 59.9% interest rate. a bank spokeswoman says the card, in fact, has been so popular that the bank has reached the issuing limit for the month. the card charged more than $100
little detail, especially if your credit score antithat good. interest rates at record highs. the average rate you re seeing right now 14.72%. some people, 59.9% on your interest rate on your credit card and that is if you have bad credit. banks have lost some of their revenue streams because of the card. they can t just raise your rate. they have to explain it to you and give awe time frame when this is going to happen so they are looking to make back some of that revenue by doing this. also, bad news on top of all that is that these rates could stay this way for a while because there s no change on the horizon. it s been introduced as far as congress is concerned to change this so that there would be a cap at, say, 15%. nothing has happened yet. the worst your credit score is, the higher your rate is going to be. check that credit score every year. i say it all the time. it s very important. even a job will take a look at
paying for everything in the medical system, which is driving up costs. that s part of the reform bills that passed both the house and the senate. well the health care reform summit starts in about 30 minutes. and it s insight. there you go. and it s inside, where you don t be cold. although you are beautifully lit back there as the sun rises. thank you both. what is in your wallet? how about a credit card with 59.9% interest, and with credit card protections like that, who needs enemies? woman down from nasal allergy attack.
saturn as their cost cutting. and what should we be on the lookout for? that s a great way to put it. even after credit card reform, some lawmakers are calling this gaping holes in the legislation. with the interest rates you might not be able to believe this. let me give you an example. premiere bank is offering a card with 59.9% interest rate. they can still do it. here in new york, they are capped at 18% interest rate by law. and that infewer rates some lawmakers that banks don t have a cap. here is one lawmaker. take a listen. what we have right now are millions of americans who are paying 20, 25 or 30% and more on interest rates on credit cards, and frankly that is immoral, and