what caused 56,800-some names on the wall. i always said at that time i m not a passivist. there are times america has to stand up and fight and take more, r measur take measures, not everything is vietnam. afghanistan was not vietnam. the president tapped into something, the sense of weariness everyone s expressed that. the situation room.t debate in - the issue isn t whether or not we re weary or we ve got to be there, we ought to be getting out over a period of time in the right way. but the right way was for the president to use the leverage of america s departure to actually negotiate with the taliban and do so in a way that sustains the sacrifice and efforts made to create something more stable and lasting. up next on the axe files you risked your own life, you
reversal of a social the dot line there, if it s cbo, it says it stays in effect. it stays at 10%. it stays at 10%. if obama care stays in effect. then lastly, you mentioned premiums for older people. let s take a look at what happens here. so if you are a younger person sorry. if you have a $26,500 income and you are 64 years old, under obama care you would have paid $1,700 for your coverage. under the house bill you would have paid $16,000 for your coverage. the senate bill does bring that down to $6,500. that s still four times what it would have been under the house bill. here s what happens to somebody who has a middle income. now, $56,800 is a middle income person. they would be paying $1,600 under obama care. they would be paying $16,000 under the house bill. they would need $20,000 20,500 under the he would this be paying 40% of their income would go to
we do know that mike pence, the vice president is meeting or did meet this evening in his residence to try to persuade them. but at some point mitch mcconnell has to make a decision about holding a vote or not holding a vote as we heard from jim acosta. they realize right now in white house that it s on the brink of losing. our own amana raju on capitol hill who is very plugged in has han told in just the last half hour or so mitch a vote before 4th. but really a telling time, don will, be tomorrow afternoon. that s when senate republicans all gather for a luncheon. they walk out of that lunch, we ll have a better idea where we re going. let s talk about voter now, selena. many people will lose under this bill. they are older, middle income americans, subsidies for them would be less generous. that s according to the cbo. the premium for 564-year-old with an income of $56,800 would go from $6,800 under the aca to $20,500 for the silver plan under the senate bill.