political history and all the democrats, they all repeated that lie. here s the reality. millions of americans lost their doctors, millions lost their plans. no american family was saving $2500 per family per year as the president promised you the american people, big surprise, the exact opposite happened. according to the kaiser family foundation since 2008, premiums for the average family skyrocketed 43% increasing for the average family $5,400 since implemented. that doesn t even include of this year end of this year and this year alone? obamacare premiums spiked by 25% on average. people that live in arizona suffering a staggering increase, 116% this year alone. deductibles for a family jumped by 15% this year alone. it s almost $7500. imagine this, a third of all u.s. counties, there is only one
sean: i know you want to attack it. is not to repeal, that s true. sean: that was not a full repeal either, here s my question for you. president obama promised the average family would save $2500 a year, the people not lose their doctors and not lose their care, you know what? it was a $5400 increase, a hundred 17 increase on top of that in arizona this year. millions lost their doctors and the plans, i ve never heard you say obama broke his word and didn t keep his promise and it never lived up to its phony selling at billing. you have distorted this so much, states that didn t buy in, guess what, the republicans said it don t buy in and it will hurt you. states that republican governors and legislatures did buy in, you don t see those crazy numbers.
is not to repeal, that s true. sean: that was not a full repeal either, here s my question for you.th president obama promised the average family would savemy $250 a year, the people not lose their doctors and not lose their care, you know what? it was a $5400 increase, a hundred 17 increase on top of that in arizona this year. millions lost their doctors and the plans, i ve never heard you say obama broke his word and didn t keep his promise and it never lived up tod its phony selling at billing. you have distorted this so much, states that didn t buy in, guess what, the republicans said it don t buy in and it will hurt you. states that republican governors and legislatures did buy in, you don t see those crazy numbers.
you wanted something done, here we have a situation where they re doing the absolute minimum to try to claim at this as a victory, it s no victory. they re kicking the can down the road in the u.s. senate. sean: the senate has been kept in the loop and that i know for a fact. it s not going to blow up and conference in my opinion. ted cruz has been in negotiation, so has rand paul. so has the heritage foundation and you see what has happened. sean: i talked to jim jordan and mark meadows yesterday on this show, they re saying we ve got moderates within our party, we can t do everything we want now, this will lead to health care savings accounts lower premiums. more options, better care. you say that, $5400 average increase for americans and
they re doing the absolute minimum to try to claim at this as a victory, it s no victory. they re kicking the can down the road in the u.s. senate. sean: the senate has been kept in the loop and that i know for a fact. it s not going to blow up and conference in my opinion. a ted cruz has been in negotiation, so has rand paul. so has the heritage foundation and you see what has happened. sean: i talked to jim jordan and mark meadows yesterday on this show, they re saying we ve got moderates within our party, we can t do everything we want now, this will lead to health care savings accounts lower premiums. more options, better care. you say that, $5400 average increase for americans and