and honest life. a standard to which we aspire. joe paterno, dead at the age of 85. [ male announcer ] how d you learn to do that? when did you start that project? every new year comes with a few stories waiting to be built. it s when our brand-new to-do lists become you did that yourself? so when we can save more on the projects that let us fix, make, and do more, that just makes the stories even better. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. get this glacier bay vanity for the new lower price of just 39 bucks.
going through the details and reading congressional issue paper on the super pac. campaign finance law in the new citizens united era. we are talking more about stephen colbert right after this break. [ male announcer ] how d you learn to do that? when did you start that project? every new year comes with a few stories waiting to be built. it s when our brand-new to-do lists become you did that yourself? so when we can save more on the projects that let us fix, make, and do more, that just makes the stories even better. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. get this glacier bay vanity for the new lower price of just 39 bucks.
we have a business expert here to talk about this. that projec? every new year comes with a few stories waiting to be built. it s when our brand-new to-do lists become you did that yourself? so when we can save more on the projects that let us fix, make, and do more, that just makes the stories even better. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. get this glacier bay vanity for the new lower price of just 39 bucks.
so when we can save more on the projects that let us fix, make, and do more, that just makes the stories even better. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. get this glacier bay vanity for the new lower price of just 39 bucks. [ .] announcer: bank robbery certainly is a frightening crime. after all, bank robbers stole $43 million in one year. but identity thieves? try 37 billion! and guess how identity thieves are getting some of that money. by taking over our bank accounts. they may not even need your social security number anymore. all an identity thief may need are a couple of simple pieces of information, like your mother s maiden name or the city you were born in, and they could add their name onto your bank accounts in order to make your money their money. you need help. [whoosh, clang] you need lifelock the only