grants and job training and of course includes that novel idea of repealing the affordable care act. 50th time they ve tried that, which would mean more than 7 million americans who have done the responsible thing and signed up to buy health insurance, they would lose their health insurance and the 3 million young adults who stayed on their parents plan, they would no longer have that available. take us back to the days when insurance could charge women more just for being a woman. on minimum wage, three out of four americans support raising the minimum wage. usually when three out of four americans support something, members of congress are right there. and here republicans in congress are dead set against it. blocking a pay raise for tens of millions of americans, a majority of them women. this isn t just about treating
people s health care benefits. but do not expect that reality to produce a republican health care alternative anytime soon. for the moment, it will be increasingly narrow show votes about very specific parts of the aca, that way an actual alternative can remain something nebulous and to be dealt with further down the road, or, you know, never. it is a strategy that isn t exactly a secret. you know what they say. 50th time is the charm. maybe when you hit your 50th repeal vote, you will win a prize. we get it. we understand. we get it, you don t like it. joining me now is the democratic congresswoman from florida s 23rd sfrikt adistrict wasserman schultz. congress woman, thank you so much for joins us. great to be with you. so is the 50th time a charm? how much longer is the gop going to keep this up? well, it s funny, the
family in poverty. that violates a basic sense of who we are. and that s why it s time to give america a raise. it is time to give america a raise. president obama on the road today making the case for raising the minimum wage. but back in washington speaker boehner s house was voting for the 50th time to repeal part of the health care law. their 50th vote. can you believe this? president obama had a little fun with it. you know what they say. 50th time is the charm. maybe when you hit your 50th repeal vote, you will win a prize. maybe if you buy 50 repeal votes, you get one free. get one free. i think the president s onto
dysfunction and partisanship on of wh behalf of republicans. darryl issa has been conducting this political witch hunt for a long time now. he s frustrated because he hasn t been able to come up with any evidence of intentional political wrong doing on the part of the obama administration, and so he s getting frustrated and making stuff up. in fact, on another issue, benghazi, he has very recently and twice been awarded four pinocchios by independent fact checkers, that s the maximum you can get for false statements, so whether it s benghazi or this trumped-up investigation of the irs, republicans are desperate, and what are we doing today on the floor of the house? for the 50th time, we re going to vote to repeal the affordable care act, to get rid of obamacare. that is all republicans in the house want to do. that and this kind of kangaroo court you re seeing here. unfortunately, there are a lot
health care bill. they don t need to see 1% of their salary taxed because they can t navigate a failing obamacare bureaucracy. whether it s the first vote or the 50th vote, this is the right thing to do. the irony or the weird boneheadedness of trying to repeal settled law for the 50th time was not lost on democrats. it was in its way a golden anniversary for republican in-trance gents. i want to wish my colleagues a happy 50th anniversary. but all these apity obamacare votes are no longer a calorie free chemically induced sugar high for the gop. prior to this year, voting to appeal was a freebie. a statement without real meaning but which nevertheless appeased wild eyed reactionaries on the right. now it comes with a cost. now it takes statement of intent, to annul millions of