is a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week. he joins us now. good morning to you. good morning elizabeth how are you? i am well. let me get your take on this one. first is this my widows mom is 76 years old and in love with a 57-year-old neighbor who has a shady past. we try today reason with her. is she normal or are we being nuts? you know, she sounds lovely and 76. nuts, she s in love, but she s a little crazy in love. guess what? people in their 50s don t generally fall in love with people are 76 when those folks are females. they may be unfair. but it s the way of the world. i would give this guy a message if we found out you ve been taken to as many as two expensive dinners on our mom s dime you may be investigated for crimes against the elderly. here s another e-mail. it says, it s february and my
wr words of warning from israeli s prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday in a jointed session in chronic. he voiced his criticism for the nuclear deal on the table right now with iran. let s bring in our panel. good morning guys. good morning. good morning. brad what do you think? i thought netanyahu made a compelling case saying iran is on the verge of getting the bomb. don t let them have it. well i mean, that is what he said but he didn t outline any alternative to stop him. yeah he did. he said don t let them enrich any more. well he said but what is he suggesting, steve? does he want the u.s. to put ground troops to stop them from
ahhhhhhhh! what d you say? uh-oh! kelly! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. rick. don t walk away from me. ahhhhhhhh!
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those who did not show up for benjamin netanyahu s speech yesterday, your words? that was inspirational. to hear him i think what the world saw was a very united congress in support of israeli. that was one of the most amazing speeches. it was inspirational. i absolutely love it. i m proud of speaker boehner for calling him before congress. it was a great speech. certainly seemed to give congress the respect that it deserved. congressman thank you for all that you ve done and for being with us today. thank you. now this is coming up. she came face-to-face with a gunman but his one mistake had her turning his gun into a weapon of defense. meet the brave store clerk just ahead. plus, just waking up? don t skip the most important meal of the day. new york city giants star victor cruz is serving up breakfast for us! an important lesson every parent needs to hear. hi, victor! i m on the edge of glory and i m hanging on a screw