just like the plan you and i are in. just like the prescription drug benefit works. it s not a coupon. it s not a voucher. you know what the bottom line here folks is? they think you re stupid. they think that you don t know what a voucher is. they think that you don t know what privatization is. they think that you don t know enough about health care in this country to make your own decision. they think you don t understand a voucher. you know what is really, i think, frightening about all of this? we actually have elected officials who are out there trying to take away from the people, these people right here, the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years to take away their benefits while they go untouched. let s talk about ryan s situation for a moment. he s been in the congress since 1999. he s 41 years old. they have this thing in the congress, the 50/20. if you re 50 years old and you ve been in congress for 20 years, you get a hell of a pension.
they re not vouchers. they re medicare approved insurance options just like medicare advantage works today. just like the plan you and i are in. just like the prescription drug benefit works. it s not a coupon. it s not a voucher. you know what the bottom line here folks is? they think you re stupid. they think that you don t know what a voucher is. they think that you don t know what privatization is. they think that you don t know enough about health care in this country to make your own decision. they think you don t understand a voucher. you know what is really, i think, frightening about all of this? we actually have elected officials who are out there trying to take away from the people, these people right here, the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years to take away their benefits while they go untouched. let s talk about ryan s situation for a moment. he s been in the congress since 1999. he s 41 years old. they have this thing in the congress, the 50/20.