India has registered 3,641 fresh cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. The caseload over the past week has gone up at the fastest rate since the third wave the country battled in January 2022. Is a fourth precautionary dose needed? Experts say taking a booster shot may not be very beneficial
The Deputy Minister for Preventive Health and the Infectious Diseases Consultant Dr. Abdullah Bin Mufreh Asiri has confirmed that people who are under 50 years old and suffering from immunodeficiency diseases can now receive the 4th dose (second booster dose) of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Deputy Minister for Preventive Health and the Infectious Diseases Consultant Dr. Abdullah Bin Mufreh Asiri has confirmed that people who are under 50 years old and suffering from immunodeficiency diseases can now receive the 4th dose (second booster dose) of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Sri Lankan Health Minister Channa Jayasumana on Friday said that health authorities decided to roll out the fourth dose COVID-19 vaccination for those above the age of 60.