i think sufficient money will be found on both sides. interestingly enough to me is not just the money raised by the obama campaign but the money spent. they have $104 million on hand which means they spent 48% of what they raised. last month, march they raised $46.4 million but spent 37.7. they spent 81% of the money they raised that month. their burn rate is really high and if i was sitting in chicago i would be worried about how much money are they going to have at the end of the campaign. chris: let me ask you as somebody involved in the recollection campaign for george w. bush in 2004 did you have a 40% burn rate? the first quarter, first three months of obama s reelection campaign the first three months 00 bush spent 25% of the money they brought in and we spent 9%. chris: what are they spending it on? a gigantic staff with a lot of bells and whistles. they have about as many people as you would expect to have in general election in the final
i think sufficient money will be found on both sides. interestingly enough to me is not just the money raised by the obama campaign but the money spent. they have $104 million on hand which means they spent 48% of what they raised. last month, march they raised $46.4 million but spent 37.7. they spent 81% of the money they raised that month. their burn rate is really high and if i was sitting in chicago i would be worried about how much money are they going to have at the end of the campaign. chris: let me ask you as somebody involved in the recollection campaign for george w. bush in 2004 did you have a 40% burn rate? the first quarter, first three months of obama s reelection campaign the first three months 00 bush spent 25% of the money they brought in and we spent 9%. chris: what are they spending it on? a gigantic staff with a lot of bells and whistles. they have about as many people as you would expect to have in general election in the final
interestingly enough, to me, is not just the money raised by the obama campaign but the money spent. so far they have raised $197 million. they have $104 million on hand so they spent 48 percent of what they raised. last month, march, they raised $46.4 million but spent $37.67, spending 81 percent, their burn rate is really, really lie and? i were sitting in chicago i would be worried how were they will have at end of the campaign. chris: as someone involved in the re-election campaign for george w. bush did you have a 40 percent bun rate? guest: no, look at first quarter, april, may and june first three months of the obama re-election campaign and in 2003 of bush, they spent 25 percent of money and we spent 9 percent. chris: spenting it on what? a staff with bells and whistles and as many as you expect in a general election in