democratic saying i want to keep obamacare. there is oochlt time between now and then. running against obamacare has been good for republicans in 2010 and 2014 and again in 2016. eve we ve seen oin the special elections whenever the subject of health care the republicans have been able to win process. democrats have moral vikts but not putting anything in the scored board. trump wasn t the focus 69 campaign. okay. okay gianforte has just ee mrjd at the campaign rally. he is basking in the glory of victory right now. latest numbers we have 77% of the vote is counted. gien foirt 50.4% appearen let s listen to him speak. thank you. thank you. [ chanting ].
i got new number and then you can put it in. i think it s 50.4%. the last one was 50.1. jack, jack, let me just respond to what you said. just so you know a senior republican campaign source said they think that both sides are going to be spending money through june and this is going to be competitive. this is from your own party. i think it is going to be a targeted race. i don t know what he did with $8.3 million. because you reach critical mass add about 3 million in a district like that. he s probably spent every dime of it like a true democrat would. and you can have a good time in any district in the nation except maybe new york and l.a. i know you re from georgia.
still bares the scars of those things. his relations with congress seem a little dicey. he s got the ongoing probe that hangs over him. it has not been a triumphant inaugural three months for donald trump. and he s going to run into problems down the line. i wouldn t say that the results in georgia, the close race is a big red flashing light but it s certainly a yellow light and should be of concern to him. he s not a real liability to republicans around the country. not a real asset i should say. i appreciate it. as we continue on, we re going to watch the returns in georgia, the returns. jon ossoff 50.4% with 72% of the vote in. we have new reporting tonight
shaken up but not torn apart so viciously. and i think that s reflected in these ratings. they also found president trump is down 7 points with people thinking he s a strong leader and this is again after the strikes in afghanistan and syria, which usually president s poll numbers go up. it s going to be a long night. we may see some of you back here later depending on the results. we ll continue to follow this special election down in georgia. bring you the results up later. there s a 50.4% the democrat. and he needs 50% or more to avoid a run off. and details into russia s influence in the presidential election and that steady drip, drip, drip we were just talking about. micromanage them. make sure they re producing.
house. you may have heard tell recently about how the highway trust fund is going broke and repair projects are idled across the country, literally potholes aren t getting filled in and bridges stopped being repaired because the funding got shaky. people will lose jobs because we haven t been able to fund all the basic transportation and repair projects we fund year. that is in part because bill shuster, who has been facing this tea party challenge back home in pennsylvania in tonight s primary, is in charge of the transportation committee and republicans facing tea party challengers are not the most likely candidates for passing huge spending bills out of their committees no matter how popular and necessary those bills are. well,that race tonight in the ninth district in pennsylvania we re looking at just about 16% of precincts in. right now bill shuster, the incumbent republican congressman there, has 50.4% of the vote. tea party challenger there, 42% of the vote. if shuster survives