cutter. the latest on the frantic search. not even close. seattle destroys denver in super bowl xlviii. the game a blow-out. the ads a mixed bag. we have all the winners and losers from the big night and what about joe namath s coat. a new jersey child s lunch taken away after there s not enough money in his account. what s going on here? your new day continues right now. good morning, welcome back to new day . it s monday, february 3rd, 8:00 in the east. the epic super bowl thriller wasn t that much of a thrill for the denver broncos. it was a blow-out. 43-8. it was the seahawks legion of boom defense dismantling peyton
47-45%. if you look at the real clear politics average, that number essentially gets reversed, it shows mr. obama at 47.7, mitt romney at 43.8%. would you expect, ed, to see movement in the polls this quickly after a vice presidential selection is named? historically, you always get a 3 or 4% boost with a vice presidential choice. the partisanship of the country is so divided at this point that i think the one or two points that he got was about all you re going to get. and i think does he help you in the long term? i think he will. j. jon: so, ed, who won the week? i think romney/ryan. well, being an honest and forthright democrat as most democrats are, i will have to say given biden s problems this week that i would give the slight edge to romney, yeah. jon: wow. rare agreement from you two guys. rare, very rare. jon: and we ll be right back.
then the anthony weiner scandal choked it off. but we ll see whether that reversed the trend of whites over 50 trending towards republicans in recent years. the greenburg polling was post weiner. it did show there was a benefit for democrats among older voters. she s one of the top pollsters in the democrat party. he does a poll for the democratsy poll with james carvel. it s a democratic firm. it s one that s well regarded by insiders on both sides. they didn t sugar coat what was happening last year. what they found is people don t like they asked on a thermometer scale, on a scale of vooer oh to 100 how do you feel about republicans in congress and democrats in congress. republicans in congress 43.8, democrats in congress 44.1. they re not happy. 50 would be half-and-half. they re not happy with either one. the approval for republicans in congress is only 32%.
these are the places where people are still able to find jobs. but we have a lot of job openings in this country, and we continue to hear that the people who need the jobs are not the same people who can apply and fill the jobs that we have openings for. so who s faring the best and what do we do for everybody else? there is no question there s a big gap between the jobs that are being offered and the job skills of the people who really need the jobs the most that have been unemployed the longest, that 43.8% that have been unemployed for more than 6 months that ben bernanke underscored his concern about of lost human potential out there in capital in the u.s. economy. the real issue is education at the end of the day, but it s even more than that. we aren t even preparing our high school graduates with the skills they need to enter the labor force, and then the median education, community college, the training that comes after that, you don t all have to be rocket scientists but the
that 43.8% that have been unemployed for more than six months that ben bernanke underscored his concern about of lost human potential out there in capital in the u.s. economy. the real issue is education at the end of the day, but it s even more than that. we aren t even preparing our high school graduates with the skills they need to enter the labor force, and then the median education, you don t all have to be rocket scientists but the jobs in manufacturing could be filled with a little more training that s not being offered in our economy, is being offered if places like germany. we re not seeing that done here. and so i think there s also a place where we could see some more shorter term training done, better preparation without them all being rocket scientists and engineers. i talked to two manufacturers last week who said they ve got jobs open in the u.s. that they can t fill and it s engineering but then it s also the technical area. so there really is an opportunity there in so