dollars that are created to pay off. sandra: an important distinction. he is not into it. other fed chairs who have dealt with inflation like the best paul volker in 1980 worked with the reagan administration. reagan increased supply by lowering taxes and regulations and creating more goods in the society. that helped inflation. sandra: you are singing larry kudlow s tune. he has to work with the government with both congress and the administration getting them to stop spending so much money. sandra: david lost your voice after the rate hike. i was so angry and shouting at the screen. sandra: a big day yesterday. markets, the dow is up 418 points today. market is trying to figure this all out. that s safe to say. up 1.3% around 32,400. doesn t make up for the losses yesterday. powell and yellen don t seem
Minister of Railways, Communications, Electronics and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw said that the Central Government has allocated Rs 4,418 crores in the Union Budget for speeding up the development of railway facilities in Telangana.
movement is happening, according to a survey, one in 418 to 24 year olds are choosing a survey, one in 418 to 24 year olds are choosing not to drink at all. the national union of students found that one the national union of students found that one in the national union of students found that one in three undergraduates opt not to that one in three undergraduates opt not to drink. if you look back to when not to drink. if you look back to when i not to drink. if you look back to when i went to med school, when drink when i went to med school, when drink was when i went to med school, when drink was basically like to come on, everybody drink was basically like to come on, everybody is partying, it was a huge part of everybody is partying, it was a huge part of the everybody is partying, it was a huge part of the culture. that changed that shift. part of the culture. that changed that shift. this shift in 12 to 14 years that shift. this shift in 12 to 14 years has th