i want to put it in the context of the deficit, in 2019, it was $409 billion. you have been very vocal about. this year it s projected to be $800 million. you are talking a double. next year $1.1 trillion. what the heck happened? this is under a republican congress with a republican president. well, again, congress doesn t control this particular credit commodity corporation funding. i wish we did. i certainly wouldn t vote for it. apparently the president has the .tore do this. again i have been public at disagreeing with this. the good news is that we actually have more tax revenues coming in. but that s a part of the challenge, but ultimately, well, look, months, months, year over year, tax revenues are up. if we have 2.85% economic growth, the tax relief pays for
2007 according to the latest survey because businesses are feeling more comfortable but gerri b. has great numbers but you also look at regulation which by the way has not been dealt with since the 1996 gay business small business fairness act by president clinton which helped boost the economy along with internet boom, we ve had 20 something years of regulation stacked on top of each other since 1996. look at the tax code. it cost americans $409 billion to comply with this complexity. 1984 he had 23, 800 pages and you have triple that right now. it s the same for regulations. we are burning american and american businesses with all of this excessive regulations. dagen: emily what is it? is it the tax cuts that are coming or the regulation cuts that are already here? well i think the regulation cuts are completely under appreciated. a recent business round table survey of chief executives found for the first time in six years, regulatory cost pressure rs they did not list those as
now for our what in the world segment. republicans worship he at the altar of ronald reagan because he plea sidresided over a massi reform. even donald trumpe at the altar of ronald reagan because he presided over a massive tax reform. even donald trump at the altar of ronald reagan because he presided over a massive tax reform. even donald trumpat the altar of ronald reagan because he presided over a massive tax reform. even donald trump is a fan of ray began s a r reagan s. we need a tax code that is civil, fair and easy to understand. trump is right, american taxpayers and businesses spend 8.9 mibillion hours a year doin taxes costing the economy $409 billion according to the tax foundation. but current republican tax plan looks little like reagan s. under reagan, a bipartisan congress greatly simplified the tax code cutting out scores of credits, deductions and
. for our what in the world segment, republicans worship at the altar of ronald reagan and admire him more than anything else, perhaps because he presided over a massive tax reform in 1986. even donald trump who doesn t often praise his republican predecessors says he s a fan of reagan s and wants to follow his plan on taxes. we need a tax code that is simple, fair and easy to understand. trump is right. american taxpayers and businesses spent $8.9 billion a year, billion, doing taxes, costing the economy $409 billion, according to the fax foundation. but the current republican tax plan looks little like reagans. under reagan a bipartisan congress greatly simplified the tax code, cutting out scores of credits, deductions and loopholes. a sign of their success, special
can find out what is in it. reporter: on this april 15th, tax filers are finding out what s in it. at least 20 tax increases totaling $409 billion over the next ten years. it s a new burden imposed by a law in a straight party line vote enforced by an agency accused of favoritism. it s unfortunate the irs has a role in this affordable care act. it s very controversial. it just makes the job tougher if you will. reporter: among the new taxes, a medicare tax increase in. a net investment income tax on 3.8% on individuals and trusts worth more than $200,000 or $250,000 for joint filers and an increase for thresholds for itemized deductions for medical scpenctions from 7.5% to 10% of