Soldiers from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, known as "The Old Guard," stand watch over the Tomb of the Unknown 365 days a year, even in horrible weather.
The 3rd United States Infantry Regiment place flags at headstones as part of the "Flags In" ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, May 27, 2021 ahead of Memorial Day.
with his domestic situation which eventually boiled over. we were doing the same thing with morsi, and i think we ve got to get back involved. and if we can t control it, nor shall we try, but we certainly should be influencing it. and i know the israelis would appreciate that, because no one wants to see another government fall. what they want to see here is stability rick: right. and contribute to the region. egypt really matters in this region historically and culturally. they are a huge country to the region. rick: general jack keane, retired four-star general. enjoy your holiday. happy fourth. arthel: the holiday s here. final preparations underway for the big fourth of july show at the capitol. we are live from the national mall. also, celebrating independence day, colonel oliver north standing by with what our troops are doing today, but first a message from one of our soldiers. i m part of the 3rd u.s. infantry regiment, and i d like