anniversary of the birth of the great explorer out xander form bombards we have a special program about him coming up soon on g.w. . we begin today though with a quite unique exhibition in the netherlands one which is understandably causing a lot of controversy a museum and then bosch is looking at design from the 3rd dariush of course the most famous symbol was the swastika originally an ancient asian religious icon used as a symbol of divinity all good luck unfortunately the symbolism was ruined by the nazis what this exhibition shows is how important 3rd reich design was in promoting its evil philosophy. national socialism a murderous ideology and machine of war and brand the nazi party was keenly aware of its public image and used architecture and often do sewing to strengthen its
g.d.r. in 1009 window of opportunity opens and the family has the opportunity to claim their property back now the relevant law from 994 in its 1st paragraph defines that . compensations i exclude it if the loss of the family was supporting the nazi regime so the question if it s not the family in particular the so-called crown prince was supporting hitler and the nazi regime might be crucial for the question if not the family gets its compensation these negotiations or talks are still going on what is the public line up on all this if they support the hohenzollerns and in getting their artin treasures back i guess public opinion is split as it would be in france in the netherlands and scandinavia in any country so they have people supporting money kinda money and the royal family i think in the last 2 weeks there was rather a public outcry because most people were feeling most citizens with feeling that this wish list of the family was a bit extensive and
german history history not only the avocation 2 world wars nazis communists does it represent a chance for germany to revisit its modern history. right it isn t a chance to revisit german history particularly the 20th century i would say it also gives us a chance to reinterpret crucial points of german history in the 20th century and event the points as you could call it of german history that is 914 the beginning of the 1st world war and a very long standing debate about germs responsibility for the outbreak of the world or in some 1914 of course $933.00 to coming off the nazis the so-called seizure of power the beginning of the 3rd reich. the holocaust the murder of the european jews is linked to 1945 the german and european doom the end of the 2nd world war in all of these points and once one they are not responsible for them i think i feel it would be responsible to hold one family responsible but of course the former royal family has its share fair share in making history and
140 square kilometers of winding tunnels the nazis believed this to be the perfect hiding spot in april of 1905 u.s. soldiers couldn t believe their eyes when they came upon this room thousands of boxes and bags filled with cash diamonds and gold paintings by rembrandt s goriot do that and many others in anticipating the downfall of the 3rd reich the nazis hid a lot of their gold and currency reserves and macca us. from boston men so what dimensions are we talking about here that hold i don t mind to make you one right marcus well some good karma. if you count everything going but it comes to 3000000000 writes mark you were in a bank notes alone. there was so much money stored here that there was
lucky and the financial help friend face here in a prime location tucked behind the bank city asset management company full come full can manage his german business families fortunes. its chairman christan fanbase the time provided some insight as to why rich germans also shine. detroit if you know many wealthy germans are reluctant about stepping out into the public eye because they re afraid they could be seen negatively. they ask themselves what do i get from showing myself to the public it doesn t give me anything on the contrary it could lead to some crazy person taking notice and breaking into my home or kidnapping one of my children. and those fears are not unwarranted. but then there s also the fact that many errors are inheriting fortunes that are somehow tainted by or related to the 3rd reich. is.