Tuesday, August 17, 2021 about 4:00 p.m., Louisiana State Police Troop E responded to a two-vehicle fatal crash on Louisiana Highway 1205 that claimed the life of 31-year-old Brandon D.
Shortly before 6:30 a.m., Saturday, May 22, 2021, Louisiana State Police Troop E responded to a fatal crash on Louisiana Highway 121 near Louisiana Highway 463.
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of the mission. he can empower commanders on the ground. these soldiers, 15% approve of the commander in chief. that s abysmally low. why they don t believe in barack obama, that 3rd brigade believes in their brigade commander. and the question is will those first line leaders on the ground be empowered to allow those troops to sufficiently train, sufficiently advise and then assist nine iraqi brigades and some kurdish brigades to go out and take the fight to the enemy. otherwise they are just sitting ducks training the an inevitable force that will go out and not be able to defeat the islamic state and their army. it s about clarity, it s about leadership and empowering commanders to make calls on the ground. but this administration, this president has said more what our troops won t do, than what they will be allowed to do and therein lies the problem. and the enemy is always listening. pete, thank you, thank you for your service to this country and our thanks to all the men and