Just in time for the summer holidays, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has announced plans to relax COVID-related entry rules for travellers to Germany.
because you will not have cash but you get the cash and we have the 3g rule, almost every week something costs 3g, the roof. the pump in the pool, 3g, the water thing in the front, 3g, fix the car, 3g. but you know a house is money pit and you put the people in and they can barely get in and they will still have problems. the real big problem is pushing the private sector out of this and letting the government stuff, and i have no problem if a private company had a couple million wanted to try this out and did it and it worked, great, but why take our taxpayer money. they say they are increasing and stabilizing homeownership. nothing they have done has done that. nothing. they have applied billions to