office of government ethics to investigate romney s finances. they say that romney has failed to disclose how much he profited from the automobile rescue. the allegations stem from romney s investment in delphi, a major auto parts supplier for general motors. the nation magazine reports ann romney invested at least $1 million in delphi in a blind trust at the height of the financial crisis. the romneys bought stock at bargain basement prices. delphi shares were going for 67 cents a piece before the automobile rescue. today delphi shares closed at $32.53. good for them. it s a 4,000% gain on romney s investment. now, we know the romney family made at least $15.3 million in the wake of the automobile rescue. but we don t know exactly how much romney made because he won t release his 2009 tax return. he won t tell us how much he actually invested.
office of government ethics to investigate romney s finances. they say that romney has failed to disclose how much he profited from the automobile rescue. the allegations stem from romney s investment in delphi, a major auto parts supplier for general motors. the nation magazine reports ann romney invested at least $1 million in delphi in a blind trust at the height of the financial crisis. the romneys bought stock at bargain basement prices. delphi shares were going for 67 cents a piece before the automobile rescue. today delphi shares closed at $32.53. good for them. it s a 4,000% gain on romney s investment. now, we know the romney family made at least $15.3 million in the wake of the automobile rescue. but we don t know exactly how much romney made because he won t release his 2009 tax return. he won t tell us how much he
2.53 for regular right now, .213 last year. the most expensive gas prices? well, out to the west coast. california often has it. lower 48. bdz 3.28, the most expensive gas in the lower 48 right now. on this thanksgiving holiday. given the district of columbia, not too far behind. if you want cheap gas, i would drive south, driving south, we re only going to make indiana. you have to go as far as south carolina, texas, and mississippi. alabama, to get the cheapest gas in the country on thanksgiving holiday. neil: where was, they say that tuesday was technically the busiest day, topped by sunday, but it sounds like people are stretching out the weekend agents longer. a little longer. i think you re right. trip advisor did a study and found that people were, in fact, starting their trips sooner than they had in the past. maybe contributing to the fact that we don t have as much terrible traffic as we did before.