reporter: the house ways and means committee voting to approve their version of the tax overhaul, putting a bill on track for a house floor vote text week. we ran in 2016 on this doing tax reform. the president ran on doing this tax reform. so this is about fulfilling our promises to the american people. reporter: but even after late change tuesday the pull to bring it in line budgetary targets, still late differences. the house collapses individual brackets with a top rate of 39.6%. the senate, 7 brackets. the top rate 38.6%. the house bill makes immediate a corporate rate cut to 20% from 35%. the senate bill phases that cut in over a year. the house will allows the state and local property tax deduction up to $10,000. the senate bill repeals that entirely. the house bill caps the mortgage interest deduction for new
version of the tax overhaul. the bill on track next week. we ran in 2016 on doing this tax reform. the president ran on doing this tax cut and tax reform. so this is about fulfilling our promises to the american people. reporter: but even after late changes to the bill, bringing in line with budgetary targets still major differences from newly released senate counterpart, the house collapses individual brackets from seven to four with the top rate of 39.6%. the senate, seven brackets, the top rate, 38.6%. the house bill makes immediate a corporate rate cut to 20% from 35%. the senate bill faces that cut-in over a year. the house bill allows the state and local property tax deduction up to $10,000. senate bill, repeals that entirely. the house bill caps the mortgage interest deduction for new mortgages at $500,000. the senate bill, leaves that untouched. with each difference, republican
bit of ground. bush went from third place to seventh. in iowa but still second in new hampshire. walker is second in iowa. they both and walker dropped dramatically in new hampshire. in the states where they really need to win, walker needs to win iowa. bush needs to win new hampshire. they are in second place. how about donald trump? yeah. donald trump was really hurt by these debates. the last predebate poll in i didn t was 38.6. in new hampshire he was at 32% and now at 18%. he has lost some ground. but the worst numbers for him in the polls are the unfavorables. he is third highest unfavorable in iowa at 37% and new hampshire he has the highest unfavorable of all at 46%. there is a ceiling for him and an opportunity for other candidates to catch up to him. who are the others of the big
70%. 38.6 to medicare and medicaid. 33% social security. 21% to poverty programs and just 5% to our veterans who gave their service to our country. so yes, absolutely right. 70% of the federal spending is going right out to individuals. start make the checks right out to the person s name. a lot of us hope that social security will be there some day, but then when you add up all the other stuff, it s quite a number. i count on nothing. i count on nothing. i m pretty sure i m going to get nothing from that and i just figure i ll work forever. i don t know. i think after that plug, mcdonald s might show up with something later on. that or starbucks, my other favorite. all right. or toms, which we re loving today. thank you so much for all the info. i wish she was in a better mood. all right. heather nauert has got some headlines. i have social security for
in other words, how much pad they had on their profits, the slipping a little bit to 37.9% to 38.6%. if you re in apple, that kind of ruins your sort of view of the world that you can make money hand over fist and make more money, quarter after quarter. apple did but not to the degree many thought it would and not to the profit degree many hoped it would. so is this aworriesome sign or too early to tell? jim lowle on all of this. good to see you. happy new year. what do you make of what we re getting out of the earnings world thus far? i look like what i ve seep. not just relatively good earnings, but in particular i like the guidance going forward. apple clearly struggling a little built as you said, probably in terms of it ability to profit more and more, but when you look at caterpillar this morning, which has been