Presiden Joko Widodo mengirimkan paket sembako untuk masyarakat yang mengikuti vaksinasi di GOR Waringin Kotaraja Jayapura, Jumat (27/08). Total 1.400 peserta yang menerima bantuan itu.
in their doritos commercial. it was really big last year and the winner won $1 million and they started their own production company. so it was a platform for the average person to get into the business and now look at what s happening. everyone s involved and excited about it. this is a great one. what about automakers. five of them bought ads this go-round, including this one. let s take a look at it. starts with my great grandfather. it is a story of strength, triumph $37.08. paper or plastic? plastic. that s the magic word. green police! you picked the wrong day to mess with the ecosystem, plastic boy. the dream police are inside of my head the dream police come for me in my bed the dream police they re coming to arrest me oh no green police. we have to admit, we had a little bit wrong tape with the