orthodox christian deldsdicated john the baptist, a box believed to contain relics of his bones. the first time we use scientific technique of a relic found in a place that had liable context. when the results of the carbonating finally came in, they discovered something remarkable. my jaw wu down on the ground. you can see the date fits right in that margin. 30 a.d., a date consistent with john the baptist. the dna results go further indicating the bones came from ah a middle eastern man. could these actually be the
Balancing adjustments
With the help of several of the top-ranked players in the A23 lobby, hundreds of balance tweaks have been made in the past year and almost all units and structures have been adjusted. The end result is a sleeker, more balanced gameplay experience in A24:
Civilisations have been rebalanced, giving players more viable choices.
Late-game has been reworked substantially, with less snowballing and more viable champions, which means more variety.
Heroes can only be trained once per game, so you’ll have to know when to use them.
All civilisations now have a stable, for training cavalry and chariots, and an arsenal, for constructing siege engines.
that peter went to rome, and i think that s basically fair. but indian christian culture was deemed heretical by catholic portuguese colonists in the 16th century and violently suppressed. can science finally provide evidence to support the thomas tradition in india? in oxford, england, the results are in. and this is the result right here, look. so it s between 130 and 330 ad. yes. so it s a little bit later than thomas would be attested to, but it s still incredibly old. well, that s very exciting. wow. well, that s great. in terms of other relics that we ve dated, that is one of the oldest that we ve ever, ever looked at, and they re
but indian christian culture was deemed heretical by catholic portuguese colonists in the 16th century and violently suppressed. can science finally provide evidence to support the thomas tradition in india? in oxford, england, the results are in. and this is the result right here, look. so it s between 130 and 330 ad. yes. so it s a little bit later than thomas would be attested to, but it s still incredibly old. well, that s very exciting. wow. well, that s great. in terms of other relics that we ve dated, that is one of the oldest that we ve ever, ever looked at, and they re interesting because they seem to cover the period where we find the first historical reference to his remains coming back from india.
baptist, a box the church believe contains relics of his bones. bulgaria was the first time that we d really formerly investigated using modern scientific techniques a relic that was found in a place which had a very reliable context. and when the results of the carbon dating finally come in, they discover something truly remarkable. when the date came through, i my jaw was a little bit down on the floor. right there, 30 ad. that s when john the baptist is supposed to have died, and you can see the date fits right within that margin. 30 ad, a date consistent with the death of john the baptist. the dna results go even further, indicating the bones came from a middle eastern man. could these actually be the bones of john the baptist and a connection to what the bible