100% of the bill. with medicare it s less than 100%. you lose money. if all we had was government paid health insurance we would lose research, innovation and a lot of doctors. sandra: he goes on to write patients would have to transition, insurance companies would have to transition, hospitals, the american people, doctors would have to transition and then there is the cost. the sanders plan would increase federal funding by 33 trillion dollars. it is estimated over its first 10 years. compare that with the congressional budget office projection for the entire 19 fiscal year budget, $4 trillion. unbelievable sums of money we re talking about here. that part is astounding. when you say to people do you like the idea? 70% say sure. if you say your taxes are going to go up a lot 35% say we like it. a huge drop-off. doctors same point. 50% of doctors are for it until you say wait a minute, you ll have to appeal for that