deficient. look no further than delaware for what the impact could look like. an emergency shutdown of the critical i-495 bridge. the problem? cracks and leaning support columns. old underground pipes breaking in cities across the country causing major flooding. the president and transportation secretary anthony fox say failure to fund repairs and improvements will cost americans in more ways than one. how many jobs potentially at stake here? so we re estimated 700,000 jobs at risk. reporter: in 2011, commuters wasted $ 2.9 billion gallons of gas just sitting in traffic, costing the average consumer more than $800 per year according to one study. the highway trust fund gets revenue from an 18.4 cent per gallon gas tax. but the tax has not increased to keep up with inflation since 1993. now the clock is ticking as
for what the impact could look like. an emergency shutdown of the critical eye 495 bridge, the problem? cracks and leaning support columns. old underground pipes breaking in cities across the country. causing major flooding. the president and transportation secretary anthony foxx say failure to fund, repairs and improvements will cost americans in more ways than one. how many jobs potentially at stake here? we re estimating 700,000 jobs at risk. in 2011, commuters wasted $2.9 billion gallons of gas just sitting in traffic costing the average consumer more than $800 per year according to one study. the highway trust fund gets revenue from an 18.4 cent per gallon gas tax. but the tax has not increased to keep up with inflation since 1993. now, it the clock is ticking as congress debates how to prevent
312,000 claims for the latest week. so still above 300,000. you d love to get it down below that level. the good news is that it is slightly better than the estimates, what the economists were saying. they thought 314,000. and the prior week was revised upwards. you want it revised lower. not upwards. so just slightly higher for the prior week. so the big picture here is that we heard our fed yesterday just talking about the economy, while we have improved, there is still concerns about the unemployment rate being elevated, too high. so we ll continue to focus on jobs here. back to you guys. one more question for you. we re hearing about a new gas tax proposal. it s already up based on events in iraq. i know. you have $50 in your wallet and you fill up and it s gone. but it s true. gas, which is currently the taxes are 18.4 cents for gas, diesel is 24.4 cents. but they have not been raised,
love seeing her play baseball. good game there. that s just something we thought you should know today. a pair of senators are proposing a bipartisan plan that would raise the federal tax on gas for the first time in 20 years. the proposal by senators bob corker and chris murphy would raise the tax from 18.4 cents a gallon to 30.4 cents a gallon over the next two years. that, by the way, a hike of 12 cents. the senators say the higher tax is nose prevent the federal highway trust fund from running out of money this summer. that fund of federal money pays for about half the country s transportation projects. the senators say congress has been passing the buck since the last time they raised the tax, 1993. conservative groups denounce the move. they say states and not the federal government should be responsible for infrastructure projects. what does your gut tell you? do you agree with the bipartisan plan for a 12-cent gas tax increase to pay for highway transit programs?
the rough winter. all the snow and ice that melts and refreezes, creates cracks and in the roads become potholes and states say they dent have the money to fix them. and they re proposing this raising of the gas tax to generate the revenue. two dozen states have not raised gas taxes in ten years. half a dozen 25 years or more. and combine that will people driving less and more fuel efficient cars and you have a lack of funds that must be addressed. some states want to tie gas taxes to inflation or rising fuel costs so as it goes up so too the taxes. the average state gas tax, 31.4 centss a gallon. the federal tax, 18.4 cents. that federal tax has not been raised in 20 years. aaa says the result is a crumbling road system that absolutely needs fixing. without a doubt our roads nationwide are in bad shape. our general infrastructure, got a great of d from the american society of civil engineers.