quarter, the fight against liz cheney proved he can raise the big money dollar for dollar with her. she pulled in just over a million bucks. finally 15.6% according to spores illustrated is how many of the previous 77 major league baseball teams down three games to in a best of seven series came back to win the series with my 15%. i am the 15%. my daughters are hoping to join that club. st. louis still leads 3-2 back to the gateway to the west for game six in two days. one more sports number, is the ranking for the hurricanes. they had to shut down in the hurricanes. we just got these pictures in to msnbc. agriculture secretary tom milsap greeting government workers back on the job as they came in this
that s a majority, folks, of senator who is favor it, according to the washington post, after murkowski s coming out in favor of equality, josh bar rowe at insider noted the near-complete silence from conservative media on the announcement, writing that they are done engaging with the issue. but don t go popping bottles just yet. we know the struggle continues, because also on wednesday, a new study from the department of housing and urban development revealed that same-sex couples faced discrimination in the rental housing market. according to the study, heterosexual couples were favored other gay male couples in 15.9% of tests and over lesbian couples in 15.6% of tests. so amid signs of progress, a sign of just how far we still have to go. joining me again is aisha moodie-mills, the center for american progress, and joining her at the table is evan wilson, president of freedom to marry. jeff creely, the vice president and chief foundation officer at the human rights campaign, overs
studios tonight. what is the situation in cypress now. parliament is going to vote tomorrow on what they re going to do. they have heard outrage from all over the world. people are angry not just in cypress but other parts of the eu and really all over the planet. the idea that they are probably going to follow although the vote is really too close to call right now, finance ministers may agree to a 15.6% tax rate on the wealthiest of those people who have their money in bank deposits. we have to wait and see. that s what s being discussed right now. shepard: it s not like this money hasn t already been taxed. is there a question about whether this could happen other places like, i don tere? the real fear tonight is if other people in other european countries whose governments are under duress might get panicked and decide to take their money out of bank. what happens in spain, what happens in italy and other countries in europe who are under pressure because they have had such a b
this is record snow. smith center, 15.6. the largest city snowfall total they ve if had in that area of kansas. let s look at it right now. the low pressure center associate with the storm system across the great lakes, still winter weather advisories and we have winter weather advisories across the mid-atlantic and the northeast for the next whethermaker. the stalled-out frontal boundary brings or three inches of rain to the area and potential for severe weather as well. the next system will develop across the coast. you can see it here over the southeast. low pressure center off the coast, inching up towards the northeast, and could bring us north and west of the boston yeah, six to 12-inches of snow. the third weekend for snowfall across the boston area. so as you can see, watching it very closely saturday and sunday, new york, down towards philadelphia and d.c., mainly a rain event, but just to show you, the next 72 hours, watch
obama ground game, the organization. but when it comes to spending money, this is in the last quarter here, i want to put up these numbers. it s amazing. the obama team raised $39.1 million, and they spent $44.5 million. romney raised 23.4, he spent $15.6. the burn rate is 113%. obviously, has a lot of cash on hand. romney that number is lower, because there was a lot of super pac. that s significant. obama burning a lot of money this far out. look, the obama campaign are the only ones. they don t have super pacs, they don t have anything else to sort of help buoy them. romney has been able to sit back a bit when it comes to spending money on ads in particular, because when you look at the overall ad spending, for example, the obama campaign has spent $73 million so far just on television ads this cycle. but that s far outspending romney. but when you include all of the