paycheck those people struggling the question how do we get this done how do we get everybody on same page, sooner, and as we go to you, i mean do you look at job numbers here there were 312,000 jobs added in december so there is something to be touted about these accomplishments, but there is a lot going on right now. yeah absolutely, i just want to take exception to what was just said i never said crisis was manufactured what i said open the government mr. president put 800,000 people back to, works allow them to pay for food rent kids, and then debate border security, border security is is critical. the democrats have been funding it for a very, very long time, and they should continue to, but so i never claimed there wasn t a crisis what i said open the government don t hold people hostage, to a political debate about the best way to hold on isn t that what a negotiations is? i mean, the president is not just going to open the government, without getting something that he is
is that what is coming here from cummings and others? there is this balance. every party does it to the other party when they are on different sides. republicans did if to democrats. democrats did it to republicans. we did it to clinton and obama. they did to to bush. they will do to trump. part of it is politics. they need to satisfy their base and part of it is policy. what i would argue, though, is that with everything happening that s under the president s watch, just last month you saw 312,000 jobs grow. you have seen 2018, 2.6 million payroll jobs, the highest since 2015. there is a lot of good going on. businesses are growing. manufacturing is on the rise. a lot of positive things are happening to the american workforce. what we don t want to dice stifle that through this. they have a role. no question about it. they have every right to look at these different agencies. there is a difference between
the green room. yeah, no, the president s doing a great job. regulations reduced, taxes cut, the economy borough growing at an unprecedented point, 312,000 jobs added last month,ous of the iran deal, concern out of the iran deal, it s been a great two years, but democrats want to focus on trying to stop him instead of helping the country. judge: well, yeah, it seems they re pretty determined to stop it. even if they look like absolute hypocrites and deny everything they ve done in the past border security wall a few years ago, against it now because it ll help the president they re focused solely on stopping the president. think about the first day, brad sherman, they haven t even been in congress for 24 hours, and the congresswoman from michigan says the disgraceful things about the president, and now we ve got michael cohen, first big interview excuse me,
the green room. yeah, no, the president s doing a great job. regulations reduced, taxes cut, the economy borough growing at an unprecedented point, 312,000 jobs added last month,ous of the iran deal, concern out of the iran deal, it s been a great two years, but democrats want to focus on trying to stop him instead of helping the country. judge: well, yeah, it seems they re pretty determined to stop it. even if they look like absolute hypocrites and deny everything they ve done in the past border security wall a few years ago, against it now because it ll help the president they re focused solely on stopping the president. think about the first day, brad sherman, they haven t even been in congress for 24 hours, and the congresswoman from michigan says the disgraceful things about the president, and now we ve got michael cohen, first big interview excuse me,
so much hiring and so much growth in the economy. yeah, you mentioned hiring, ramina. let s look here at the december jobs report. 312,000 jobs added, 3.9% unemployment growth. how does that get lost in the media? well, unfortunately it bad news seems to sell better. this is really good news all around. there was an amazing jobs report and i think that we re going to continue to see strength in this economy, especially if the president continue continues hio further deregular because that is what allows businesses to grow and hire workers. but for long-run growth we need to think about how to boost innovation and further productivity enhancements. and some of the dark clouds on the horizon are the rising deficit and debt. don t decembe despair, those arl