mulvaney, talking to new york reporters and basically saying it s new york s problem, it s new york s own fault, that is not a good way to be a spokesman for the administration. that hurts all republicans were running for office, it makes it sound like the administration is anti-new york. my district is a democratic district, president trump carried it. it s going to be hard to keep caring district like that if they think the administration is giving up on new york. that s part of why that s what i said. as far as the other argument, the fact is, he said of all things are equal all things are not equal. we give $48 billion more to the federal government then we get in return, and thus the largest deficit of any state in the country. new jersey actually, percentagewise, is even worse. they get $0.61 back on every dollar. if everything was equal, fine. but everything is not equal. right now you have states like new york and new jersey subsidizing the rest of the country and now they ar
tax reform bill which is going to raise their taxes. they are the areas that are hurt the most. my suburban district voted for barack obama twice, voted for donald trump by nine points. it was a 14-point turnaround and they are going to lose most of their property tax deduction, all of the state income tax deduction, the family of four will lose $18,000, the individual exemption, medical bills you ll lose that especially if they have someone with a long term illness. all of that this is going to have a devastating impact on areas like mine and long island and it s unfair and when people say it s a high tax state one of the reasons we re high taxed is because so much of our revenue that goes to the federal government doesn t come back to us. we get $0.79 back on the dollar. other states get much more back than they contribute into the federal government. new jersey gets about $0.61 back on every dollar so we get murdered on one end and now we ll get it again by taking away the property
be moving in the right direction. sandra: it reminds me of something i had in front of me. the va health care costs are eating the defense department alive. i thought that was important to get in there and we did talk about the change that is being brought about for our veterans in the va on the state. no doubt about that. health care costs are rising in the private sector for every american, and it s certainly no different inside the united states military and inside the va. health care is expensive no matter who is administrating it, and those costs are rising every single year. in the defense department, the personnel costs to include paying our troops, taking care of health care, taking care of retired community is somewhere around $0.61 on a dollar. that is staggering and it s going up. sandra: i also wanted to ask you, thank you for hanging on here for us, we are waiting to hear out of the white house shortly here holding that off-camera gaggle. iran holding the annual
and a half dollars over the course of their entire career because of that wage gap. what this legislation does is provide cover for them so if they do inquire, that if they do protest for having a wage disparity, they ve got coverage. frankly, i don t understand why i mean, i understand that there s legal costs involved but corporations should be glad and should be quite honest about what people are making. this is about kind of pulling the curtain back, about who is getting paid what and it s not fair. wouldn t this all be fixed if corporations just paid men and women equally if they were doing exactly the same job and the same hours put in? yeah, i would say that most of them are. you know, i think we re trying to build out a problem here that doesn t exist, as widespread as everybody wants it to believe now. oh, wow, i m sorry, i have to say, it does exist. you look at latino women, they re making $0.52 to the dollar. african-american women, $0.61 to the dollar and the avera
the selling has continued through thursday s trading. friday, well, another ballgame. on the floor of the new york stock exchange. i m nicole petallides. let s check back in with diane at our fox business headquarters. executives from solyndra will appear at a hearing on capitol hill today. both the ceo and cfo of the now bankrupt solar company has said they ll plead the fifth during questioning. republicans are frustrated by the move. they want to know more about how the company went under despite receiving a government loan of more than $500 million. mcdonald s is upping its cash dividends again. this time by 15% so $0.70 a share. the previous payout was $0.61 a share. the company says between that and the increased dividend and share buybacks, it will return about $6 billion to shareholders this year. the dividend will be payable on september 15th to holders of record as of december 1st. back to you.