Pushpa’s Hindi version on its third Monday managed to do more business than 83 on its second Monday. The Allu Arjun starrer led the reigns at the box office by earning almost a crore more than 83.
Here's the report card of how Bollywood films have fared at the box-office in 2021 - The industry on a backfoot with just one real success in the form of the Akshay Kumar's Sooryavanshi directed by Rohit Shetty. Detailed Analysis.
Decoding 83 Box Office Collections: Why did Ranveer Singh, Kabir Khan and co. fail to win over the audience love at the ticket counters? Factors that might have gone against this sport drama.
While the standalone collections of 83’ are on the lower side, the contribution from Spider Man: No Way Home and Pushpa brought in Christmas cheers for the exhibitor community. Details