so far, the fed has pumped $3.8 trillion into the bond market over the past few years. most economists don t actually think that a change is going to happen today but there is a school of thought that a mini taper could be in the offing, bernanke could announce a $10 billion reduction in the $85 billion a month he s been pumping into bonds and the fed may be willing to pull back on the program because the economy is also bouncing back, look at jobs, they have a ways to go but they re recovering. gdp is better than expectations, the housing market continues to rebound, auto sales are running hot and of course you add to the markets, the strength of the markets, you look at the year, the dow is up 20%, the nasdaq up 33%, the s&p 500 up 23%. we haven t seen numbers like this in a long time. thanks so much, alison kosik. cnn will have complete coverage on the fed meeting at 2:00 p.m. eastern and cnn will look at
so funny, isn t it? ben bernanke the president chairman is give his last conference. the big question for investors is when this will happen and by how much the fed will bin reeling back its stimulus program. so far the fed has pumped $3.8 trillion into the market that s kept interest rates unusually low. while some economists, in fact, most economists expect it after the meeting a mini taper could be in the cards. like a tapette, a tapertini. the company seems to be getting back on its feet. they re doing a good job. bouncing back. but not all the way yet. gdp is better than expectations. the housing market continues to
go down the chute and right down boo the water. a toll disaster. it would have been great to have let that go on its own. by the same token, if we come out of this where the president of the united states, who in his latest budget is talking about spending $3.8 trillion compared to $3.5 trillion from the house republicans, and he has to admit, we have to rein in entitlement spending. he s admitted. that he s been open to an i crease in retirement age. he has not done anything other than talk about chain cpi and his own budget window. that s where the republicans will be able to say at the end of the day, if they do this. and i m not convinced they are. this is why i like the wacko bird coalitions. they re the only ones, the rand pauls the wacko bird coalitions? yes. you re the one who said it.
it seems to me that republicans know, they really messed up on making that the be all and end all. i think there is a strategic question. it is like a guy trying to fly flapping wings or something to go down the chute and right down boo the water. a toll disaster. it would have been great to have let that go on its own. by the same token, if we come out of this where the president of the united states, who in his latest budget is talking about spending $3.8 trillion compared to $3.5 trillion from the house republicans, and he has to admit, we have to rein in entitlement spending. he s admitted. that he s been open to an i crease in retirement age. he has not done anything other than talk about chain cpi and his own budget window. that s where the republicans will be able to say at the end of the day, if they do this. and i m not convinced they are. this is why i like the wacko bird coalitions. they re the only ones, the rand
vernon, george washington s house. he s trying to gin up pain where otherwise we wouldn t notice the government was closed, the vast majority of americans. the only thing i d like to do is get a bill out of congress that lets us keep our taxes for the time government is closed. the message the white house is sending to the rest of the country, unless you fully fund the government at current levels you can t live a happy, productive life. this is an exercise in pr propagan propaganda. it is. they have raised spending by $900 billion. 2.9 trillion to 3.8 trillion in five years. sequester cut it back 85 billion out of 900 billion. they did all sorts of things to make that look much worse than it is. we don t need to spend 23% of the gdp at the federal level. it s completely out of control. seaton motley joining us. thank you.