really seen to love the 2cv. as long as that remains the case the car they called the tin snail will keep ploughing its own furrow in slow lanes everywhere. krista there at the wheel of an absolute classic right here in paris back in 2018. right, let s cross over to a completely different part of the world now as we transport you to the brisket northern coastlines of europe to the dust and sand of southern jordan. petra is one of the world s most famous archaeological sites, carved out of the desert 2000 years ago, it was built by a local tribe called the nabatea ns. in 2016, i went to see efforts to protect this ancient site from the elements
driving in paris is not easy. driving for the first time in a 2cv car in paris is really, really brave for you. well, now you re making me nervous! there are no airbags, the windows aren t electric and, as for ac let s just say it s pretty rudimentary. but for some reason, the french really seem to love the 2cv. as long as that remains the case, the car they called the tin snail will keep ploughing its own furrow on slow lanes everywhere. right, it s time for us to cross over to a completely different part of the world now, as we transport you from the brisk northern coastlines of europe to the dust and the sand of southern jordan. petra is one of the world s most famous archaeological sites. carved out of the desert 2,000 years ago, it was built by a local tribe
and kristin managed to get behind the wheel to give it a spin. i will definitely need a lesson. guided tours around paris. now where is the gear stick? it is there. so you just turn that. if you want to get into the first one, full and that is first. push and that is second. this is very unusual. this may take. please excuse me if we bunny hop up the street. driving a 2cv feels very different to any kind of modern car. you could feel the engine under your foot. and the noise of the car, it is very physical and it is not a car that goes very fast, but that is not the goal.
yes of course with the baguette and the stripes. 0h, we will have to stop for a baguette. you are very brave because driving a 2cv car is not easy. driving in paris is not easy. and driving in paris for the first time in a 2cv car in paris is not easy. there are no airbags at the windows are not electric and for ac, let s just say it is pretty rudimentary. but for some reason the french really seen to love the 2cv. as long as that remains the case the car that is called the tin snail will keep ploughing its own furrow in slow lanes everywhere. krista at the wheel of an absolute classic right here in paris back in 2018. right, let s cross over to a completely different part
and christa managed to get behind the wheel to give it a spin. i m definitely going to need a lesson, vincent. vincent takes guided tours around paris. now, where is the gear stick? the gear stick is there. 0k! she laughs so, you just turn that, if you want to pass the first one. and pull this is first, 0k? then back to neutral. there? ..and push, second. second. this is very unusual. yeah, i know, it s unique. this might take. please excuse me if we bunny hop up the street. they laugh driving a 2cv feels actually very different to any kind of modern car. you can feel the engine under your foot, you know, and the noise of the car. and it s very physical. and it s not a car that goes very fast, but it s not the goal, you know? it is a very, kind of,