right now, the big star d. lemon. look how beautiful this is. can we show it? look, you were born here. i wasn t. i moved here. i still look at the skyline and, you know, driving on the fdr, what have you and expect to see the buildings around every turn and it is a reminder every day when you look that way it s not there but especially today and it s also a reminder how much we lost but a reminder, as well, on how we can come together no matter what as americans as we did after those horrible attacks. yeah, that s what i always thought 100%. beautifully said, my brother. i ve always felt that s what never forget really is a reminder is about, not what happened, obviously we know what happened but how we were 9/12, 9/13, 9/14. we made mistakes. it didn t last forever. we put things aside and came together with a collective will. yeah. you contrast that with where