on this vote, the yeas are 258. the nays are 169, present one. the motion is adopted. [ cheers and applause ] that was emotional. there you can hear it. speaker pelosi actually just at the end of the actual gaveling of the vote telling a aide it was emotional, and it was for so many. tonight marks the historic final passage of something we ve covered, the respect for marriage act. equality and protections for same sex marriages in federal law. the only last step is going to president biden for his expected signature. now, the fact that this law would even be necessary in 2022 is a reminder of many, many gaps
he pushed back. goes far enough if a spreet court decides to go after the law they can t. we solidified federal law to make sure my marriage and other people s marriage can continue to be recognized. to me a significant accomplishment. we don t need fear of a direct attack from an activist court why it s a very important bill and glad we dot it done. reporter: the vote 268 yes, 39 republicans voted for it. that is a sea change, though, jake, since the defensive of marriage act was enacted in 1996 when 67 members voted against that law. today 258 members voted to repeal it. you note that 39 house republicans voted for this bill, but that s less than the 47 house republicans who voted for the same bill this summer, despite including language here allowing religious liberty exceptions. what happened?
holiday your heart out with wayfair. wayfair, you ve got just what i need a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam s unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! on this vote, 258-169. present one. the motion is adopted. speaker pelosi gaveling in the vote to pass the respect for marriage act. it enshrines federal protections for marriages of same-sex and interracial couples. 39 republicans joined democrats to pass the bill, which passed
there, finally as we re coming up upon deadlines, jessica. reporter: i know. it was like it was a log jam. we all got back from thanksgiving. we have this lame duck session in between. what we have left in the last of this year, and then when the new congress takes over in january, and they have a very long laundry list of things they have to get done, and for house speaker nancy pelosi, she will be transitioning out of leadership. she will be staying in the house, but not in the leadership for the house departments, the first in many, many, many years. that will be very different, and so we did get to see her kind of preside over this last big piece of legislation. i ll let you watch that clip. on this vote, the yeas are 258. the nays are 169. present, one. the motion is adopted. reporter: and again, just a
reporter: what do you think? [ speaking non-english ] i think our enemies will all die soon, she says, who only just turned 9. we ll show them what you get for occupying ukraine, she says. for many, the hardships are already too much. roads out of kherson crammed with residents trying to leave. but for those who stay, it is a desperate struggle to survive. well, tonight, erin, there s still very little water, very little electricity in kherson, making it very difficult indeed for people to live there in any degree of comfort. that, of course, as russian artillery continues to pound residential areas of the city as well. ukrainian officials saying 258