his bitter rival gulbuddin hekmatyar was moving up from the south east. najibullah s government collapsed and he took shelter in the united nations compound in the city. on 25 april, 1992, hekmatyar and massoud s men both entered kabul. massoud and hekmatyar now fought for control in the streets of kabul. hekmatyar s men were forced out of the city and took up positions in the hills and started shelling the capital. burhanuddin rabbani was the leader in waiting of the new islamic government.
those coming down from the north were led by ahmad shah massoud. his better rival gulbuddin hekmatyar was moving up from the south east. najibullah s government collapsed and he took shelter in the united nations compound in the city. on 25 april, 1992, hekmatyar and massoud s men both entered kabul. massoud and hekmatyar now fought for control in the streets of kabul. hekmatyar s men were forced out of the city and took up positions in the hills and started shelling the capital. burhanuddin rabbani was the leader in waiting of the new islamic government.
so everybody was doing their own thing. by 1992, two of the strongest mujahideen parties were closing in on kabul. those coming down from the north were led by ahmad shah massoud. his better rival gulbuddin hekmatyar was moving up from the south east. najibullah s government collapsed and he took shelter in the united nations compound in the city. on 25 april, 1992, hekmatyar and massoud s men both entered kabul. massoud and hekmatyar now fought for control in the streets of kabul. hekmatyar s men were forced out of the city and took up positions in the hills and started shelling the capital. burhanuddin rabbani was the leader in waiting
indians were backing others. they were trying to put together a coalition government with commins elements as well as with the heating elements. so everybody was doing their own thing communist elements. own thing communist elements. own thing communist elements. j :, :, elements. by 1992, two of the strongest elements. by 1992, two of the strongest modulating - elements. by 1992, two of the strongest modulating partiesl strongest modulating parties were closing in on kabul. those coming down from the north were led by a nijat masood. he is better rival was moving up from the south east. the government collapsed. he took shelter in the united nations compound in the united nations compound in the city. on 25 april, 1992 their main both entered kabul. they now fought for control in