Netflix announces the release of "Chicken Nugget," a comedy K-drama based on Park Ji Dok s webtoon. Starring Kim Yoo Jung, Ryu Seung Ryong, and Ahn Jae Hong, the series follows a quirky plot of accidental transformation.
Byeon Woo Seok and Kim Hye Yoon to star together in tvN’s new romance time-slip drama. Te drama is inspired from the novel The Best of Tomorrow. Find all interesting details inside.
In spite of her young age, Kim Yoo Jung is one of South Korea’s brilliant stars equipped with versatility. Here’s where the actress will be in 2023.
#KimYooJung #20thCenturyGirl #ShakespeareInLove
Now that 2023 has begun, let's know what's in store for Kim Yoo Jung, Byeon Woo Seok, Roh Yoon Seo, and Park Jung Woo after they made outstanding performances in the "20th Century Girl"!
#20thCenturyGirl #KimYooJung #ByeonWooSeok
This celebrity was in talks to appear in the upcoming series "Bastard," alongside Park Ji Hoon. Unfortunately, she refused to take the offer.
#20thCenturyGirl #ParkJiHoon