hello it s me adele s single hello is the first song to sell more than 1 million downloads in the u.s. that s coming from billboard. the single is also number one on billboard s hot 100 and apparently has more than 204 million views on youtube, 25 will be released on november 20th. kind of puts lionel richie to shame. you re watching cnn newsroom live from los angeles. i m john vause. please stay with us. the news continues with rosemary church after the break. (vo) what does the world run on? it runs on optimism. it s what sparks ideas. moves the world forward. invest with those who see the world as unstoppable. who have the curiosity to look beyond the expected
president obama observed national police week today by honoring officers who made the ultimate sacrifice. 131 officers died last year in the line of duty. he didn t specifically mention recent deaths of black suspects in police custody but called on americans to honor law enforcement heroes by working harder to heal risks in the communities they serve. the state is looking at a boone doggle. hawaii is coming to the realization that its obamacare website does not work and may not be worth fixing. reporter: this is hawaii s obamacare insurance website. it is where hawaiians line up to sign on for obamacare. the federal government awarded the state more than $204 million to build it. it s likely to shut down. hawaii is attempting to salvage
income of $204 million during the second quarter and was down 25 cents a share. the decline comes as dell struggles to adjust to industry changes toward smartphones and tablets. l.a. times story shows, and thank goodness mika is not here, we would be talking about it all morning, a new study says the amount of deaths in the u.s. as a result of obesity may be actually four times higher than experts initially thought. the research in the american journal of public health says between 1986 and 2006, more than 18% of premature deaths were a result of weight-related issues. that number is way up from what was widely regarded, thomas, as only being 5%. we re getting too comfortable with obesity in the country i think. the washington post the smoets sewn yan touting the discovery of a new mammal, why did i have to get this? i was glad you got this. olinguito. which in german means where was it found? down in the mountains. it s a sort of raccoon.
welcome to the mix, everyone. if you have ever wondered what happens in a one-minute span on the internet, we have an answer. a website called q-me apparently created an infographic which we ll show you. all information from pc magazine. business insider. it is small. you won t be able to see it. i ll pull out five that are incredibly interesting. in 60-second span, 2 million searches on google. 72 hours of video uploaded to youtube. 204 million e-mails are sent. 571 websites are created. and 278,000 tweets are sent out on twitter. that is an incredible amount of information that is going across the waves. how many hours of video? 72 hours. how do they store it? how do they store it?
back in his skip tracing days. they would say frank qualitiy called ted at whatever hour. frank e-mailed ted this is what he wrote. let s pause here. ahern s words of caution hit close to home at fox news. we recently learned the government collected e-mails from the g mail account from chief washington correspondent james rose enin connection with the vehicles investigati leak investigation. each e-mail generates a lot of raw information about ourselves. according to intel we stand more than 204 million per minute. river ry one ahern says indelible. if we delete things from our account. actually delete it. the only delete button you have is on the lap top no delete button on the internet.