people with the least to lose. shortest tame horizons. people like that have all the power. you have no power. everything you have is yours. that is the end of civilizations, mog d mog dee shoe. buckdown is a former polish enclave west of lincoln park. real estate websites describe buck town above average rents where your kids might live with your friends as they start their first jobs. people think of buck town. local news accounts suggest different reality. shots fired during buck town robbery. man shot in buck town. buck town couple shares account of armed robbery. ryan king wasn t thinking of armed robbery. broad daylight. weekday. car pulled up. three young men stuck a gun in his face. account from local fox station. reporter: ryan king turned to get back to his mother s department. dark colored vehicle pulls up. king says one pulled a gun in his face and demanding a wallet. passer by yelled martial arts training kicked in and king hit one of the men with an elbow and
The year 2023 has been eventful in the financial markets. Economist Dan Basse from AgResource Company suggests the possibility of a market turnaround in early 2024.
senate from pennsylvania. we didn t mention hit running mate. when fetterman first time removed filthy dna-covered hoodie, beneath the foul-smelling hoodie the protrusion it is a lump. what sort of lump? does it have its own instagram? plan to run for statewide office. a party that put biden in the office is planned to build a whole campaign around a lump of flesh. keep your eyes on this lump it could run with kam kamala harris in 2024. markets had worst single day