Tata Motors has launched the 2023 version of its Nexon EV, priced at Rs 14.74 lakh. The updated model competes directly with Mahindra s XUV 400 electric. Here s a comparision of their features and specs.
2023 Tata Nexon Facelift Launch LIVE: In the new Nexon, the 6-speed MT and 6-speed AMT transmission options from the previous model remain available. However, there are some updates in the petrol engine lineup, with entry-level variants now offering a 5-speed MT, and a new 7-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission has been introduced.
The updated 2023 Tata Nexon.ev goes on sale in the Indian market at a starting price of Rs 14.74 lakh, with two battery pack choices and 3 trim levels,.
Can the new Tata Nexon EV facelift become the quintessential electric SUV in your garage? The comprehensive new updates just might make spark a temptation. Check out our review to find out how.