The proposal would prevent cities, public school districts or other governmental entities from contracting with, or referring someone to an abortion provider. That includes Planned Parenthood, which also provides services like mammograms and other health screenings.
It would not apply to those insured through Medicaid.
Rep. Bruce Skaug (R-Nampa), who’s sponsoring the bill, said he wishes it could go further.
“If I could stop all of the abortions in the state right now with a bill I would do it, but I cannot do that with a bill,” Skaug said. “We cannot – none of us.”
The 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade found abortion to be constitutional, but that states could put some limitations surrounding it.
House lawmakers could soon debate a bill that would require parents to opt-in their kids for sex education at public schools. It passed out of a committee
James Dawson / Boise State Public Radio
Idaho House Republicans want state agencies to be able to choose their own lawyers under a bill approved Wednesday afternoon.
Under the proposal, state agencies could choose to use a lawyer from the Idaho Attorney General’s office, or pay an outside lawyer to do the same work.
House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel (D-Boise) said state agencies using this option could cost taxpayers a lot of money by justifying potentially unconstitutional actions with an outside lawyer.
“They’re shopping around. They’re looking for a hired gun attorney who’s going to tell them what they want to hear,” Rubel said