doing this? you know, i ve thought long and hard about this and i think some of it is just the lack of resources that the city has. i think there s truly an effort to, perhaps, pick on the businesses that are really the best citizens in the city that do pay their bills and pay their fines on time. we pay them so let s fine us some more. i m not sure. if both of you will please keep us up to date on your particular stories and maybe our viewers out there have other ones that they can share with us. you can always e-mail us, friends at or twitter me. thanks for sharing your stories with us this morning. thank you. you re welcome. if you are fed up out there with what you ve heard and you want to take action, you can contact dr. thomas farley at the new york police department. and in washington, contact william howland jr. at the department of public works 202-673-6833. maybe they should do something else with their time. i don t know. as we told you at the top of th