will signal going forward. they can peel off democrats which they believe will give them some added heft with what happens in the house, especially with 21 democrats up for re-election in 2012. that s the way they look at it. that s the way i m describing it. great job, major garrett. john, i always expect a tough assessment from you, a totally unromantic look at life in this regard. is pelosi gunning for another shot at the speakership? is that why she s sticking around? what s the word on the hill? i don t think they have a great chance of taking back the house in 2012. obviously that would be her ideal. the ideal that we have permanent shifts in politics that lasts for decades is outdated. they would have to take some pretty strong bounces in the democratic direction for them to
spokesman robert gibbs trying to take the notion off the table, if you will. i spoke to him in the last few moments telling me no one in the white house is discussing this as a possibility. so there you have it. i mean, bottom line here is they have said here repeatedly that they re looking ahead to the only election is 2010. just less than a month away. they re not looking two years down the road an they think here inside the white house that the speculation is silly. john, kiran? she does, though, have a lingering reservoir of support when you look at the latest polls. 37% of democrats said they would vote for her in a direct matchup with president obama in 2012. obviously, this administration is feeling some frustration. they have really felt like they re beat up from the left. hearing anything about shake-ups in the coming months? reporter: no doubt of staff shake-ups, turnover. some of that you know from covering the white house is natural. people move on. a lot of these peopl