Every day I seem to crave the euphoric feeling that only marijuana can provide. I can feel the boundaries of myself dissipate, as I become one with the world I don’t know where I begin or where I end…I inhale and exhale. I start to receive glances as people crane their necks to see who s blazing up on the slope. Well, that stoner is me and this is my story.
If you find that you’re hitting the blunt far more often than you’re hitting the spot down there, keep reading. Dr. Love has some tips that are sure to get your unmentionables some Big Red love.
Frankly, I find it ridiculous that The Sun’s opinion section keeps refusing to publish my guest articles. I have, like, some good ideas. I’m thinking about stuff that no one’s willing to talk about. Like, what about “GUEST ROOM | Gay Son or Thot Daughter?” sounds so unpublishable? My boys and I get frosted and talk about stuff like that all the time. It’s stuff people actually want to read about. Like, it’s lowkey a hard question right?