trump was kicconsistent. i won t cut these things. and his advisors making the distinction, he won t cut. actually his budget cut for the disability and you have to wonder even in the negotiation with republicans, even if he can get them to pioint they have support, his own budget, slowing the growth raid of medicaid. clearly something he wants to accomplish, even though he campaigned on the opposite. something he has to live with and members of congress who support the bill have to live with that as well. that s one broken promise. this health care bill, health and senate, break three major promises of president obama when a candidate. one, the idea he would have tax cuts only for the middle class as his treasury secretary continues to say, this is a tax cut solely for the richest 1% of the country. the fact that medicaid would be
security network is so intrusive and violating our rights by intruding on our phone calls, our e-mails, et cetera and saying you re just doing this as a matter of political expediency. that s the difference between being a senator who doesn t have to do anything marks up bills in subcommittee and actually being someone who s been responsible for doing things like a u.s. attorney for seven years and like a governor for the last six. i know that these things work. i know they can be done constitutionally. you know why? because they did them. senator paul doesn t have the first idea. unless they taught him that in opthalmologist school i don t know whether he would know about that or not. why are you taking on rand paul? because he s won on thisrong on this issue and making our country weaker and more vulnerable at a very dangerous time. his staff couldn t cut those comments fast enough to put them on the internet to raise money off them. that s not what we should be doing on nation
not onboard with maximizing fossil fuel production in the united states of america. he sides with the environmentalists who say cut this fossil production because we ve got a global warming problem and this adds to it. one thing we won t cut is stu joining me on the real story. check him out on fox business network tomorrow. thanks much. the president calling this a humanitarian crisis but what is the white house going to do about the flood of illegal immigrant kids streaming into our country happening right now. new reaction just in from the white house. check your cell phone bill carefully. there could be some pretty hefty charges that you don t even know about. how the feds are cracking down on this new thing and what you can do to protect yourself. and self-serve beer on tap at at least one major league stadium and that s going to bring us to our facebook question of the day. is self-serve beer at stadiums a good idea?
she wanted to make them look bad, but in the process she ended up looking really bad. they will get raises and maybe promotions if they handled it so well. i just want to meet one of those people that said you didn t give me your receipt. exactly. this is such a problem. like if this is your biggest problem in life, you have a very good life. richard, sports superstition gone crazy? the blackhawks want to make it into the stanley cup. a fan will not cut his lawn up they win. he puts up that sign. the sign says playoff lawn won t cut until hawks win cup. forget about the layoff beard. but the city comes around and they cut it for him. while he s watching the playoffs game because it got too high, up to like 2 1/2 feet. so how if they lose, the city is to blame. but the headline is that the city cuts grass. i have to move there. and you have a big mistake? napping is never good at work. a german banker was asked to
grover norquist and unfortunately the tea party has been distorted. i took a little opportunity today to read about the historic i think 1773 when the tea partiers, boston tea partiers threw tea into the boston harbor. they were fighting for the colonies, for our independence, fighting for america. what are the tea party advocates fighting for now, that s not america. to see our economy troubled by the fact that the markets are nervous about going over this slippery slope. if that doesn t touch your heart on middle class americans seeing their tax bill go up enormously or $109 billion in immediate cuts in places where we probably can t cut. we cut $1.2 trillion and if i can say this one point, can you believe it on this day as we are looking for a solution someone has come up with the idea, i m not going to raise the debt ceiling unless you give me another $1.2 trillion in cuts in medicare. let s stop the one upsmanship. i m ready to vote on sunday to make it work and to make it work