they didn t. now with the threat we re discussing here, you ll see them pass a farm bill. but the democrats and republican just took five week office. they actually could have got something done. and we have a debt ceiling that we have to talk about, a budget to pass and i think you ll see that vacation. you have to. get jonas in here, too. there s a lot of moving parts. demand for food will also go down and that s the extra dairy demand. hard to say prices will go up. if you get the government, broadly speaking, out of food, prices will go up. we ve had subsidized food here. that s why people are getting obese, not because food is so expensive. the price should be $6 per milk, if you are doing inflation adjusting for 1949. chemicals in the food, productive and you buy milk without those things it costs $6 a gallon now. get the government out. food prices will rise. subsidizing is insurance to