we all have work but with these activities we can have fun. make some new friends. actually after covid 19, it s a big relief for all people in istanbul. art certainly has a way of bringing people together. a short hop on the old tram takes you to pera, which this hotel was named after. opened in 1885 to accommodate passengers fresh off the orient express, the pera palace hotel is steeped in history. the walls which agatha christie would write from. joining me for a cuppa is defne tulga, a local art buyer for turkey s megarich. we have great contempory art, we have beautiful museums, beautiful digital art. i mean, yeah, we re on track. where do you think that
opened in 1885 to accommodate passengers fresh off the orient express, the pera palace hotel is steeped in history. the walls which agatha christie would write from. joining me for a cuppa is defne tulga, a local art buyer for turkey s megarich. we have great contempory art, we have beautiful museums, beautiful digital art. i mean, yeah, we re on track. where do you think that turkey and istanbul sit on the global art stage? we definitely need improvement and we need more young, creative souls who will lead us in the scene. i believe that. 500 metres away at the end of the festival route,
person. look at that base! but what are the judges then? i think it s perfect. thank you. with these activities we can have fun. make some new friends. especially after covid-19, it s friends. especially after covid 19, it s something for all people. covid-19, it s something for all people- covid-19, it s something for all people. art certainly has a wa of all people. art certainly has a way of bringing all people. art certainly has a way of bringing people - way of bringing people together. a short hop on the old tramp brings you to operate. 0pened old tramp brings you to operate. opened in 1885 to accommodate passengers of the orient express, this hotel is steeped in mystery. the walls which agatha christie would write from. joining me for a
dogs? because they are ideologically. if i told you that this hotdog and a soft drink that you can reveal as many times as you want has been i dolefully for almost 40 years, would you believe that? i believe that because i ve been buying it. she is far from the only one. costco says since 1985, it has sold about 1.6 billion hot dogs in those around the world. despite inflation now and in the past, the prices stayed exactly the same for all those years. how old are you? 29. how old are you? 36. ? yeah these hot dogs with the drink have been $1. 50 for longer than all three of you have been alive. we ve been going to costco since we were kids with our parents. so that s how we know. if the price had kept pace with inflation, by now an 1885, that dollar 50 is offering combo would now cost more than $4. the store alone sold an average of almost 1000 dogs a day in the last week. costco loses quite a lot of
nude data these naked superstars. smithsonian national zoo in conservation biology institute about these rodents, they can move each of their front teeth independently. they use them like chopsticks. and i don t ever drink any water because they get all the hydration they need from their plant-based diet. they are kind of like so ugly they are cute. rescued after getting trapped in a storm drain, a police officer going down into the drain headfirst to get the baby ducks. the montgomery county maryland police department says it got a report that a duck was acting strangely here at drugstore. sure enough, it was this mama bird in distress trying to get help. she can see her little babies below. without the fire and rescue crews, the officers were able to safely reunite the ducklings with their mother. the art conservators at the national galleries of scotland uncovering hidden self-portrait behind one of vincent van gogh s works. conservators discovered it while doing an x-ray examinatio