largest wildfire in the state s history. 1200 firefighters trying to get under control, but it s only 15% contained at this point. dry, windy weather hint helping at all. neither is the mountain it is ous region being described as impossible terrain. national climate experts now say oklahoma faced the hottest summer in u.s. history last year. initially texas took home the honors as dubious as they might be. but as more data trickled in, turns out oklahoma pulled ahead, averaging 86.9 degrees. texas close behind with an average of 96.7. both temps blowing the old record way out of the water. that was 85.2, which oklahoma suffered through back in 1934. this summer, meteorologists expect more above average temperatures in the south. sure folks there would be very happy not to break any more heat records any time soon. i was just there in oklahoma and texas yesterday and the day before. heather: was it hot? gregg: it was pleasant and it