where the donors. megyn: do think that is an odd name for that part of our capital? speech you know, i don t. megyn: they have emerged through the crypt and now shall begin shell began the actual ceremony. we have been listening and will continue to listen to the united states marine band. they have been playing since 1801 for thomas jefferson. they are america s oldest professional musical organization. the president of the united states, barack obama. [applause]
president bush did got out partway through and walked to the white house and we expect that s probably going to happen again. this parade will be about a mile and a half long, include all sorts of interesting floats and of course, fabulous marching bands from the u.s. military, some civilian ones as well. this all started back in 1801 with thomas jefferson had a little bit of a parade that was taking to the inauguration. 1909 with james madison is when the first official pred happened and i think as megyn pointed out to you yesterday, bret. perhaps the most infamous one was 1973 with richard nixon when he ordered the park service to spray all the trees with basically a form of bird be gone, it was called roost no more. and didn t want them on the parade goers, and the pidgeons ate it and they were falling
a nervous populace we ve got nothing to fear but fear itself and during an 1801 inaugural address thomas jefferson appealed to the ideal of non-partisanship as the control of the white house shifted between parties for the very first time. referring to the major parties of the day who were bitterly divided, just like today s democrats and republicans, jefferson famously said we re all republicans. we re all federalists, and one of the most famous appeals to patriotic service came from a very young president s first and only inaugural. and so, my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. so can barack obama reach those same heights of oratory? well, as president he has been more measured. many commentators, of course, found his first inaugural address fairly bland. look, even local loyal supporters of the president would be hard pressed to name a
every speech that he made. article 2 section one of the constitution which lays out the oath does not say anything about the word so help me god. it says i will preserve to the best of my ability, preserve, defend and protect the constitution of the united states period. it s kind of ironic that the president is going to amend that in the middle of it. bill: do you know why george washington wanted the words god so help me god in? do you know why? george washington did not say so help me god. the first recorded instance is 1801. bill: if you look at his inaugural address it s peppered with references to god. george washington has washington bill: peppered, go ahead. washington irving is the person who started the myth that george washington said so help me god at the end of his oath. bill: it wasn t so help me god. it wasn t said. no he didn t say so help me god, that s correct. bill: do you know why washington peppered his inaugural address with the word god?
every speech that he made. article 2 section one of the constitution which lays out the oath does not say anything about the word so help me god. it says i will preserve to the best of my ability, preserve, defend and protect the constitution of the united states period. it s kind of ironic that the president is going to amend that in the middle of it. bill: do you know why george washington wanted the words god so help me god in? do you know why? george washington did not say so help me god. the first recorded instance is 1801. bill: if you look at his inaugural address it s peppered with references to god. george washington has washington bill: peppered, go ahead. washington irving is the person who started the myth that george washington said so help me god at the end of his oath. bill: it wasn t so help me god. it wasn t said. no he didn t say so help me god, that s correct. bill: do you know why washington peppered his inaugural address with the word god?